What Are Some Considerations For Landscaping Around A Pool?

When landscaping around a pool, choose low-maintenance, non-deciduous, and non-invasive plants to minimize debris and root damage. Ensure privacy without blocking sunlight, avoid thorny plants, and use non-slip surfaces for safety. Proper irrigation and drainage are crucial, and strategic lighting enhances ambiance and safety.

From picking the right plants to adding safety features, careful planning can help you create a beautiful pool area. Here at JCD Lawn & Landscape, we share key tips for landscaping around a pool.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize safety with non-toxic, thornless plants and safety barriers.

  • Select low-maintenance, salt-tolerant plants.

  • Incorporate shade structures to protect from the sun and reduce water evaporation.

  • Use slip-resistant hardscaping materials.

  • Plan your layout to include distinct activity zones and maintenance access.

  • Add lighting for nighttime use.

  • Ensure privacy with hedges, tall plants, or screens.

  • Regular maintenance is essential for a beautiful and functional pool area.

Key Considerations for Landscaping Around a Pool

Safety First

Safety should always be the top priority when landscaping around a pool. Avoid plants with thorns or those that are toxic, especially if you have children or pets. Ensure there are safety barriers such as fences and clear signage around the pool area to prevent accidents.

Plant Selection

Opt for plants that are low-maintenance and do not shed excessive debris into the pool. Consider compact, salt-tolerant plants that can handle occasional splashing. Succulents, ornamental grasses, and tropical plants like hibiscus are excellent choices.

Shade Structures

Incorporating shade structures such as trees, pergolas, or shade sails can provide much-needed relief from the sun and help prevent excessive water evaporation. Choose trees that do not drop a lot of leaves or fruit.

Hardscaping Materials

Use hardscaping materials like textured concrete, stone, or pavers that are slip-resistant to create safe pathways and lounging areas around the pool. These materials not only enhance safety but also add to the visual appeal of the pool area.

Layout and Design

Plan your layout and design carefully to create distinct zones for different activities. Ensure there is adequate space for pool maintenance access and consider adding seating areas, outdoor kitchens, or fire pits for enhanced functionality.


Incorporate lighting to ensure the pool area can be used safely at night. LED lights, string lights, and solar-powered garden lights can create a magical atmosphere while providing necessary illumination.

Privacy Features

Use hedges, tall plants, or decorative screens to provide privacy from neighbors. Bamboo, evergreen shrubs, and tall ornamental grasses can create natural barriers without compromising on beauty.

Regular Maintenance

Maintain the landscaping regularly by pruning plants, using pool-safe chemicals, and employing a pool cover when not in use. Regular maintenance ensures that your pool area remains beautiful and functional year-round.

By considering these factors, you can create a poolside landscape that enhances the overall enjoyment of your outdoor living space while ensuring safety and practicality.

Budget-Friendly Pool Landscaping Ideas

Transforming your pool area doesn't have to be expensive. With some creativity and smart choices, you can create a beautiful and inviting space without breaking the bank. Here are some budget-friendly pool landscaping ideas to help you get started:

Use Gravel and Mulch

Gravel and mulch are inexpensive materials that can be used to create attractive pathways and garden beds around your pool. They are easy to install and maintain, providing a clean and polished look.

Choose Native Plants

Native plants are well-adapted to the local climate and soil, making them low-maintenance and less costly to care for. They also support local wildlife and can thrive with minimal water and fertilizer.

Add Potted Plants

Potted plants are a flexible and affordable way to add greenery and color to your pool area. You can move them around as needed and choose from a variety of budget-friendly options, such as succulents and annual flowers.

DIY Shade Structures

Create your own shade structures using inexpensive materials like bamboo or reclaimed wood. Pergolas, shade sails, and simple trellises can provide much-needed shade and enhance the aesthetics of your pool area.

Repurpose Old Furniture

Instead of buying new outdoor furniture, consider repurposing old pieces you already have. A fresh coat of paint and some weather-resistant cushions can give new life to old chairs and tables, creating a cozy and stylish seating area.

Install Solar Lights

Solar-powered garden lights are an affordable and energy-efficient way to illuminate your pool area at night. They are easy to install and come in various styles to suit your design preferences.

Use Ground Covers

Ground covers like clover, creeping thyme, or moss can be a cost-effective alternative to traditional grass. They require less water and maintenance, creating a lush and green look around your pool.

Create a DIY Fire Pit

Building a simple fire pit using stones or bricks can add a warm and inviting focal point to your poolside area. It’s a great spot for evening gatherings and extends the usability of your outdoor space.

Seasonal Maintenance Tips for Poolside Landscaping

Proper maintenance of your poolside landscaping is crucial for keeping it looking its best throughout the year. By adjusting your care routine to the changing seasons, you can ensure a healthy, attractive, and functional pool area. Here are some essential seasonal maintenance tips for poolside landscaping:


Clean Up Debris

Remove any leaves, twigs, and other debris that accumulated over the winter. This helps prevent mold and pests and gives your landscape a fresh start.

Prune Plants

Trim back any dead or overgrown branches from your shrubs, trees, and perennials. Pruning encourages healthy growth and keeps your plants looking neat.

Refresh Mulch

Add a new layer of mulch to your garden beds to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and give your landscape a polished look.

Inspect Irrigation Systems

Check your irrigation system for leaks or clogs and ensure it's functioning correctly. Adjust the watering schedule as needed for the warmer months.


Monitor Watering Needs

Increase watering frequency during hot, dry periods, especially for newly planted areas. Early morning or late evening watering is best to reduce evaporation.

Weed Regularly

Stay on top of weeds by pulling them out regularly. Weeds can compete with your plants for nutrients and water, so keeping them under control is essential.

Shade Plants

Provide temporary shade for vulnerable plants using shade cloths or umbrellas to protect them from intense summer sun.

Maintain Pool Equipment

Clean and service pool equipment, including filters and pumps, to ensure they are running efficiently and not affecting your landscaping.


Rake Leaves

Regularly rake and remove fallen leaves to prevent them from clogging your pool filters and littering your landscape.

Plant Bulbs

Fall is the perfect time to plant spring-blooming bulbs around your pool area for a burst of color in the upcoming season.

Divide Perennials

Divide and replant overgrown perennials to promote healthy growth and manage space in your garden beds.

Fertilize Plants

Apply a slow-release fertilizer to nourish your plants through the winter months and support root development.


Protect Plants

Use burlap or frost cloths to cover sensitive plants and shrubs to protect them from freezing temperatures.

Trim Dead Growth

Remove any dead or diseased plant material to prevent pests and diseases from taking hold during the winter.

Check Hardscaping

Inspect hardscape elements like pavers and retaining walls for any damage caused by freezing and thawing cycles. Repair as needed to prevent further issues.

Reduce Watering

Adjust your irrigation system to reduce watering frequency, as plants require less water during the dormant winter period.

By following these seasonal maintenance tips, you can keep your poolside landscape looking vibrant and well-maintained year-round. Regular care ensures a beautiful, inviting, and functional outdoor space no matter the season.


1. What are the best plants for landscaping around a pool?

The best plants for poolside landscaping are those that are low-maintenance, salt-tolerant, and do not shed a lot of debris. Examples include succulents, ornamental grasses, hibiscus, and tropical plants.

2. How can I make my pool area more private?

To increase privacy around your pool, consider using hedges, tall plants, or decorative screens. Bamboo, evergreen shrubs, and tall ornamental grasses are effective options.

3. What materials are best for poolside hardscaping?

Slip-resistant materials like textured concrete, stone, or pavers are ideal for poolside hardscaping. These materials provide safety and add visual appeal to the pool area.

4. How can I incorporate shade into my pool landscape?

Incorporate shade by planting trees, building pergolas, or installing shade sails. Choose trees that do not drop a lot of leaves or fruit to minimize maintenance.

5. What are the key safety features to include in pool landscaping?

Key safety features include non-toxic, thornless plants, safety barriers such as fences, and clear signage. Slip-resistant hardscaping materials and proper lighting also enhance safety.

Enhance Your Poolside Oasis with JCD Lawn & Landscape

At JCD Lawn & Landscape, we understand the importance of creating a poolside oasis that is both beautiful and functional. Our expertise in landscape design and maintenance ensures that every element of your pool area is thoughtfully planned and expertly executed. From selecting the right plants to incorporating essential safety features, we are committed to exceeding your expectations and enhancing your outdoor living space. Trust JCD Lawn & Landscape to transform your poolside area into a stunning retreat you can enjoy for years to come.

Whether you need landscape design, hardscaping, or regular maintenance, we have the expertise to deliver exceptional results. Contact us now to get started on your poolside transformation and see why we are the top choice for landscaping services in Charlotte, NC.


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